
Konzentrieren Sie sich auf Ihr Kerngeschäft. Komplette IT von uns gemanaged bereits ab 9€/Monat

IT Wartungsvertrag

Outsourcen Sie Ihre IT und genießen Sie kompetenten, schnellen Support 24/7.

IT Starter

Kleine Unternehmen / Einzelpersonen

14€/ Monat pro Arbeitsplatz
  • Backups:

    -> Wöchentlich
    -> inkl. Backupsoftware

  • Remote Zugriff

    -> inkl. Fernwartungssoftware für gelegentlichen Zugriff (25 Stunden im Jahr)

  • Support:
    Mo-Fr. 09:00-16:00 Uhr
    -> 1 Stunde Support im Jahr inkludiert

Wartungsvertrag - Business IT PRO

Rundum Sorglos Paket

40€/ Monat pro Endgerät
  • Halbstündliche Backups
  • 24/7 Monitoring (Überwachung der unternehmenskritischen Dienste)
  • 24/7 Erreichbarkeit
  • alle vor Ort Termine inbegriffen
  • 4 Dienstleistungsstunden inkl. pro Monat (Fernwartung / Vor-Ort)
  • 99.95% Uptime SLA
  • 1000 Mbit Uplink

Available Addons

Each cloud hosting product comes with the possibility to extend its resources without the need to change to a higher plan. Dedicated IP addresses are currently limited to 3, the maximum amount of storage available per product and server is 500 GB. Please note that resources cannot be extended indefinitely due to hardware or company policy restrictions.

Additional bandwidth cannot be purchased after you have exceeded your monthly quota included in your plan. Any overages will be charged at $0.25 per GB.

Cloud Hosting Addons
10 Hosted Domains $2.50 / month
25 GB RAID 10 Storage $6.00 / month
200 GB Premium Bandwidth $8.00 / month
1 Dedicated IP Address $3.50 / month

Cloud Hosting Features

Don't know which cloud hosting plan to choose? Our extended feature comparison should help you decide which product you require for your application environment.

Cloud Starter Cloud Business Cloud Enterprise

Cloud Starter

Medium traffic personal sites

$9/ month

Cloud Business

High traffic corporate sites

$18/ month

Cloud Enterprise

Enterprise content management

$36/ month

Hosted Domains 10 30 60
RAID 10 Storage 25 GB 75 GB 150 GB
Premium Bandwidth 200 GB 600 GB 1200 GB
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Package Features
Network Uplink 1000 Mbit 1000 Mbit 1000 Mbit
Uptime Guarantee 99.95% 99.95% 99.95%
cPanel® Accounts 5 15 25
Dedicated IP Address
Custom Nameservers
Email Features
Mailboxes 15 50 150
Hourly Limit 200 600 1200
Spam Filter
Server Features
CentOS 7.4
Apache 2.4
Node 9.5
PHP 7.2
Root Access
Support Features
Instant Setup
Ticket Support
Live Support
Remote Hands
Pricing Options
Monthly $9 $18 $36
Quarterly $24 $48 $98
Yearly $90 $180 $360

Additional IP addresses are available at $3.50 per month each as long as a valid justification is provided. Any bandwidth overages will be charged at $0.25 per GB.

Was unsere Kunden sagen

Wir betreuen Kunden von KMU bis große internationale Unternehmen.
Mit uns wachsen Sie mit uns!

My customers didn't experience a single minute of downtime since I moved my services over to Cloudhub.

Peter Miller
Chemical Industries

Cloudhub helped me with a professional custom server solution when my business was so rapidly growing my old system couldn't handle the load anymore.

John Smith
HQ Streaming Company

By switching to Cloudhub's Anycast DNS system we were able to decrease the worldwide app latency immensely.

Mary Fonda
SAAS Billing Solutions

Looking for a custom solution?

Our technicians can provide you with the best custom made solutions on the market, no matter whether you're a small business or large enterprise.

Get in touch